My last trip to New York was with a friend and we saw Be More Chill. I think i would like to use the phrase "be more chill" as my theme for the year. i need to calm down. i am too high strung too often. I work from home, i don't really go anywhere, i don't need to be in a constant panic.
"Michael in the Bathroom" is the big take away number from this show. During the song, Michael has a breakdown because he is losing his best friend. George Salazar to me during this is the visualization of a panic attack.
Be More Chill is full of other life learning / life reminder songs.:
The opening number is called "More Than Survive" and that is i feel like most days.
And "The Pants Song" is one I didn't realize would effect me so much.
When you love somebody. you put your pants on for them.
In the musical Jeremy's dad suffers from depression and isn't able to leave the house or even put pants on. so in this song, he put his pants on and goes to Michael and asks for help.